Peace Poppies

Community Voices

Feedback we have received over the
years from wearers of white poppies.

Veteran Voices

From Poppy Wearers

From Poppy Distributors

From High School Students

From Teachers

From Grade School Students

Students at Thunderbird Elementary with mixed poppy wreaths illustrating changed proportion of civilian and combatant deaths from WW1 to now.

From Sharon and Norman Schmidt in Altona MB

"True Cost of Peace" song by Bill Hood in Vancouver

There's a space in my heart to remember the dead
as the carnage keeps piling around.
Now it's not just the soldiers who are sent in harm's way
that I want to make sure I remember.

It's the 200 million who have died in the years
since we've ended the war to end war.
We've changed the way that we do business now
and the dead ones are mostly civilians.

   So I wear a white poppy too on this day
   beside my red one reminding we pay
   with our lives and our health as the currency used
   and we search for the true cost of peace.

Why do we still find such a clear path to war
and we still manufacture new guns.
When the leaders still call on our warrior pride
I wonder just what we remember.

Just what it is that we need to be at peace
like justice for each mother's child
regardless of the way they might have been born
or who owns the land that they live on.

   Chorus: So I wear ...

In 1934 they were first passed around
and some brave people wore them with pride.
Now, I have a chance to wear one of my own,
and I won't let this chance pass me by.

Now go find a child and ask them what they think
about how we should settle our fights.
Before the ink has dried on the lies
many will die in the crossfire.

Chorus: So I wear ...
Help us please find the true cost of peace.